We have already approached towards the fag end of the regular season. The football season supposed to be looking for an exciting finish with the various league going all over the world. The Merseyside Giant, Liverpool, was almost certain to lift the coveted English Premier League title after 30 years. We expected the Spanish Laliga to enter into more neck to neck race towards the title. The Champions League would have entered into the final stretch of the knockout phase. And many more.
If we turn towards the cricket, the world would have started to enjoy arguably the biggest franchise cricket tournament, Indian Premier League. It would have been the perfect stage for the preparation of World Cup T20 to be held in Australia next year. The people were supposed to wait for the exciting tennis season is also supposed to be awaited. The Wimbledon and the French Open are worth mentioning among them with the US Open, and Australian Open are on the pipeline. And last but not the least, a much-awaited Olympic Games were about to begin. The athletes and players from all over the globe were to be gathered and participated in one of the most significant sporting events.   

Barcelona and Real Madrid locked horn in El Classico

IPL captains posed for the group photo with the trophy

 But suddenly, this gathering has been strictly prohibited by World Health Organisation. The countries are sealing their borders and grounding their international flights. The governments are imposing lock-down in their countries. The world economy is crashed. All of a sudden, the world seems to have stopped. And why are all of these happening? It is a specific virus initiated from Wuhan in China. Now COVID 19 is a word of terror for the human species. It is spreading at lightning speed. It doesn't differentiate between nations, religions. It seems to be committed to end human civilization. The worst-hit area is Europe, the epicenter of football. To be more specific, it is Italy and Spain, two nation giants of world football. The leagues are postponed for an indefinite period with the cloud of being completely abandoned is looming over the head. In the cricketing world, one by one, international series are getting canceled. The BCCI is leaving no stone unturned to stage IPL anyhow, even in a truncated version. The think tank of different cricket boards are brainstorming their head to bring the cricket back on track. The tennis world is also feeling the hit. The Wimbledon is canceled for the first time since World War II. The French Open is postponed till September, although the chance of its happening looks very bleak. The International Olympic Committee has decided to scrap the idea to organize the Olympic this year altogether. The sporting world is limping towards the finishing line of the season, which is looking very unlikely to be completed.

Football grounds are being disinfected from COVID 19 virus 

In this tough situation, what is the path lying ahead of us? The organizers of different competitions are searching deep in their brain to find Plan B or Plan C to save the competitions. The desperate situation needs desperate measures. The committee of PL is thinking of restarting around June. So, Liverpool's dream is still hanging on a thread. The authority of UCL is also trying to save the season by adopting different format with less number of matches even if it has to be in front of empty stand. If we turn around to the cricket, the BCCI president has already dropped a hint to arrange IPL around September in a truncated version and behind closed door if the situation permits. The other postponed tournaments may be held with a revised schedule. The tennis world is also following the same path. But to be honest, nothing is a concrete plan as the upcoming situation is full of uncertainties. But the humanity goes on with ray of hopes. So is the sporting sector. The world is battling hard against the deadly virus while the sporting world is taking an unwanted and unscheduled break looking at an uncertain future.